Realistic Budgets: Sweet 16 Cakes!

Sweet 16 cakes are vastly different, however, they are commonly marked with bright, bold colors and patterns. Although, they may all be bright and patterned they come with very different price tags. Can you guess the realistic budget you would need to recreate the following sweet 16 cakes? All the answers will be found at the bottom of this blog….good luck! 

This 3 tier black covered fondant and
 hand piped cake serves about 50 quests. 

This cake too serves 50 guest, however it is a
buttercream base with fondant accents.

Another buttercream based cake- this
one however serves about 70 guests.

This topsy turvy fondant cake is the largest
of the bunch and would serve about 80 people.

Cake # 1:Between the fondant and hand piping details this cake would be about $375+. 
Cake # 2: This 3 tier cake is a buttercream base and has many glittery stars on it- it would be about $250+ and is the cheapest of the bunch!
Cake # 3: This cake is buttercream based which will help bring the cost down, however, there are many detailed designs on this cake, therefore it would cost about $275 to recreate. 
Cake # 4: Topsy Turvy is a much more difficult and time consuming cake as each tier is hand carved. Not only is this a shaped cake the patterns are more detailed. This cake would cost in the ballpark of $500+. 


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