Cupcake Friday: Caramel Popcorn

This week's cupcake of the week was such a hit here at The Cake Boutique that I decided to feature it today as a special cake friday: Cupcake Friday! Check out how we make Caramel Popcorn Cupcakes:

Using a small apple corer, the center
of the cupcake is removed

Leaving a cavity about 1/2 way
through the cupcake.

Using a piping bag, the center
 is stuffed with caramel.
Next, the cupcake is iced with caramel buttercream.
Using a "cupping" motion, caramel popcorn
 is placed on top of the cupcake.
The holes are filled in with more popcorn.
Last, the cupcakes are drizzled with chocolate…YUM!


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