Cake Friday: Cake Pop Edition

Making Cake Pops can be a tedious time consuming process, but the reward is definitely worth it! As our featured creator Sam suggested a tip for making cake pops, is making cake pops with cake crumb and icing rather than using a fancy machine that just creates a mini round cake ball make for a yummy cake pop! Check out these step by step photos on how The Cake Boutique does cake pops...

First, cake is crumbled into small cake crumbs. 
Next, buttercream is added to the cake crumb to make
 them tacky. The amount of buttercream should be enough
to make balls from the mix that don't crumble
 or are to sticky to hold its shape. 
Once the cake/icing balls are rolled they are
placed on a sheet pan with parchment.
After being chilled, lollipop sticks are dipped
in chocolate and into the cake ball.
The Cake pop is then dipped in coating chocolate.

The cake pop is held above the bowl so the excess
chocolate can drip off the cake pop.
While still tacky the cake pop is dipped into
sanding sugar or sprinkles for decoration.
It is then placed in styrofoam to dry. 
Next, using an extra lollipop stick
chocolate is drizzled on the bottom half.
The cake pop then dries a second
 time prior to packaging! 
Cake pop bouquets make great center pieces or are
a great addition or any candy or dessert table!


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