Wedding Wednesday: 5 Wedding Cake Don'ts

Here is a just a short list of wedding cake don'ts that we have encountered in making numerous wedding cakes.

1. Don't pick up your Wedding Cake: There is a reason bakeries charge for delivering wedding cakes. Wedding cakes are usually large tiered cakes and are a travel risk in general. Don't stress yourself out or worse ruin a couple hundred dollar cake trying to save a few bucks.

2. Don't try to Please Everyone: Remember it is your day…it doesn't matter if your cousin twice removed doesn't like chocolate or worry about having to much of one flavor and not enough of another. You won't please all your guests so you might as well please yourself- after all, it is your day.

3. Don't forget Color Swatches: You idea of lilac could be totally different than your decorator, or just because the brides maids dresses are called coral doesn't mean they are actually coral. Bring in a fabric swatch or a paint chip to show your decorator what you are thinking.

4. Don't insist on things your Decorator Strongly doesn't Recommend: Although, you may love red velvet and cream cheese cake- in the middle of July at an outdoor event that cake just won't hold up to the heat and humidity. If your bakery strongly doesn't recommend something listen to there reasons and really consider them- they do this a lot and know what they are talking about!

5. Don't Overlook the Cake Table: Many venues simple have a plain round table with a linen for the cake. Don't forget to include petals, candles, rhinestones etc. into the planning process for the table. A cake stand is another finishing touch that just makes a cake complete!


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