Boutique Chic: BloemBox
With the winter and cold weather approaching, I find my self day dreaming about the Spring time. Spring is one of my favorite seasons with the flowers blooming and the air warming up. My wishful thinking is likely why I chose the BloemBox as today's Boutique Chic item. These small gift boxes are stuffed with hundreds of tiny seeds in biodegradable, plantable tissue paper ribbon. The top of the box is adorned with the flower that the seeds will grow into. After planting the seeds, the box can be used for a variety of uses- which you know that I love multi-use products! These are great as gifts, and even stocking stuffers. They even have a little gift tag that reads, "Happiness held is a seed. Happiness shared is the flower" and includes a poetic reference to the flower. Stop in The Cake Boutique to get yours!
Price $11.99
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